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Friday, April 17, 2009

Ten Things About Hannah

I hate writing bios. First, there's never enough room to write everything that bears mentioning - I am an incredibly complicated human being (as we all are) and my life and accomplishments cannot be summed up in three paragraphs. So my bios tend to be really long winded, and then of course I never believe that everyone actually sits down and reads the whole thing.

But I figure if you're here reading this, and you don't already know me, you might be a little curious about who I am. To that end, I'm doing a Ten Things About Me list. Oh, there's a traditional bio up on my website, which you're more than welcome to go check out - but I figure I can be a little less traditional on a blog. And just to make things fun, I'll tell you that there's nothing on this list that also appears on the bio.

  1. I think the alphabet is arranged in the wrong order - "S" should come later, so should "Q"; the positioning of "H" is completely wrong and don't even get me started on "U"
  2. I take horseback riding lessons (dressage)
  3. I’m an excellent baker, but a mediocre cook
  4. I spent my junior year of high school in Brazil as an exchange student, and can speak, read, and write Portuguese
  5. In junior high I did my hair just like Jon BonJovi - mostly because I was too lazy to resurrect a dying perm
  6. I love to laminate things - anything that can be sealed between two pieces of heated plastic is not safe around me
  7. I can never keep a manicure looking good for more than 48 hours
  8. I work out five days a week, and have learned to trick myself into thinking I like it
  9. I like eating raw rhubarb
  10. The only photograph in my house of me - that shows my face and was taken after the age of five - is of me with the Stanley Cup