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Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Still alive!

What can I say? We’re lazy bitches around here.

I have not forgotten about this blog, though it may certainly seem like it. I just find myself with very few things to say that don’t sound exactly like the last thing I said here. I mean, how many times can I talk about doggedly churning out my 5 daily pages, or the odd conversation about plot or character that I have with Christine or with my boyfriend? I think that stuff gets old pretty fast, and while I want this blog to be primarily about my life as a writer, it’s obvious that I need to come up with other stuff to talk about. Because right now? My life as a writer is pretty boring.

(Christine’s life is a bit more exciting in that regard, but she’s pretty sure y’all will find it boring, too. Different writer, same problem.)

So I’ll be trying to find a way to make this blog more of a daily part of my life from now on. I do have a few ideas percolating for posts. Some of them are book related (My Favorite Lines in My Favorite Books), some of them are life related (Why 6:00 AM Yoga Is Saving My Life), and some are sports related (The Shootout - NHL Experiment Gone Wrong, or Definitive Evidence of Evil on Earth?).

And I'm sure I'll get to those soon. Really, I promise!