We both are, actually - just incredibly, insanely busy.
Me, I'm busy with my job, which since our fiscal year ends a full three months behind the calendar year, gets a little crazy right about now. The last couple of weeks have been chock full of my regular work duties, special projects requiring me to work some overtime, and last minute "oh my gosh this has to happen now!" emergencies.
Oh, and I'm also trying to work on my manuscript every night. Twenty-five pages a week is my goal every week, and there are nights when I don't close the laptop until close to midnight. I'm staying on track, but some nights it's a close thing.
Christine is on deadline. She's due to turn her current manuscript in to her editor on Monday and yesterday she realized she's writing the wrong book. When you look at the outline, realize you're on plot point #12 and nothing has actually happened yet, well, that's not a good thing. Today she told me she pretty much scrapped everything and started over. With three days to go.
I guess she thought she didn't have enough challenges.
So that's what's going on around here. How are y'all?