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Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Wow, it's been a while nice I've posted. It's been longer since Christine posted, but since she was on deadline and is now on a cruise ship in Alaska, she's forgiven.

I have to tell you, it's been a bit of a struggle finding my groove with this blog. I don't want it to be strictly a writing blog - nobody wants to hear day after day how I write, or research, or edit, or any of the other really boring details that make up the process of writing a book. Or maybe you do, I don't know. But I can tell you I don't want to write about that every day! I live it, writing it down seems like the height of narcissism.

Not that I object to narcissism, really. Anyone who knows me will vouch for that. It's just that if I'm going to indulge in that, I'd rather it be interesting.

In any case, trying to find things to write about here has proved more difficult than I anticipated. I guess you could say I have writer's block, at least when it comes to the blog. And while I hope that clears up for me soon, I'll be honest - I'd much rather be blocked here than elsewhere!