I sat down to blog this morning, then realized I had no idea what i wanted to talk about.
I could talk about my current work in progress, which is clicking right along. Page count is increasing, the mojo is cooking, and I really like how this story is emerging. But other than that, there isn't much to say about it.
I could talk about my weekend, which I spent with my guy. We saw a movie, had dinner with friends, and fell asleep in front of the television, curled up together in his big manly recliner. But as wonderful as that was for me, I'm not sure it qualifies as interesting to you.
I could talk about the upcoming holiday season, and how it's barely the middle of October and already the calendar is filling up. Work parties, various events with friends, family. Christine will be going back to see her family, which means I'll be left with both dogs on my own. It's only fair - I leave my dog with Christine on a fairly regular basis when I travel north to see my fella, and her Levi is a sweet dog. But he's a lot more work than my twelve year old lazy hound dog. But that isn't very interesting either.
So I guess I don't have much to talk about. Thanks for listening!