Yes, I have finally crawled out from under the rock where I was forced to hide during our recent heatwave. As Hannah mentioned, I don't do well in the heat. Which I think was her diplomatic way of saying that I become a whining, fire-breathing, tantrum-throwing dragon-sloth hybrid life form. But thankfully, once the heat drops below about 83, the evil spell is broken and I can regain my humanity. At least for a while.
During the height of the heatwave, I even deserted my beloved pillow-top bed for the inexpensive extra-firm mattress in the guest room just so that I could sleep in the A/C. So you can imagine my relief when the temperatures dropped to the point when I could go back to my own beloved bed. The problem is that for the first couple of nights there, I slept really poorly. I can't figure out why, but there you go. And the end result was me feeling almost like I was getting sick yesterday--headache, nausea, fatigue, muscle aches, etc. In the end it was Hannah who finally insisted that maybe I should break down and take a Tylenol PM at bed time last night, just to ensure a good night's sleep.
Actually, because she knows me so well, Hannah insisted I take 1/2 of a Tylenol PM. She knows that if I take a whole pill, I will sleep for about a day and a half; and if, for some insane reason, I take an entire dose, I'll practically slip into a coma. I just don't process medications very efficiently, you might say.
So Hannah very sweetly divided a pill for me and left in on my nightstand. When I was ready for sleep, I took my allotted amount and turned off the light. An hour later, I was still wide awake--or so I thought--and I made the decision that I must need to take the other half-pill. Clearly, I was already hallucinating.
The dogs managed to drag me out of bed at around 8:30 with their usually evil tactics--Merlin stood next to my bed and shook his head over and over to make his metal tags rattle, while Levi burrowed his head under my blanket and licked my toes incessantly. I made it as far as the living room sofa where I promptly passed out again. Fast forward to 12:00 PM when I opened my eyes, saw the time, and literally forced myself into a sitting position, bracing my arms next to me to prevent my still sleepy body from tumbling right back down again.
I need to leave for my riding lesson in another 10 or 15 minutes. I think I might stop at the coffee shop on the way to the barn for something caffeinated. You know, so I don't drop off in the saddle.
Cause I'm a mutant.