As I write this inaugural post, our first ever here at Sweet Savage Thighs!, I’m sitting in a gorgeous hotel room in Seattle after a day of truly decadent pampering at the spa. I have a bottle of Prosecco, some pretty awesome room service (I love this spinach salad!), and my best friend to share it with.
“That’s lovely, Hannah,” I hear you all saying, “but what the heck is Sweet Savage Thighs!, and who the heck are you?”
First, introductions. I’m Hannah Murray, and if you glance to the right of these words you’ll see an entertaining little blurb about me. Done reading that? Okay, now for a little more detail. I’m in my thirties, never you mind exactly where, and I write contemporary romantic/erotic comedies. I say romantic/erotic because I consider all of my books to be romance novels at their core, so I don’t think the word “erotica” applies. But there’s always a splash of the erotic in my tales, so it bears mentioning (I’ll get more into all of that in a later post, I promise). I’m a sucker for happy endings and sexy cars, and I have a completely inexplicable addiction to reruns of The Golden Girls. Which doesn’t make me weird.
And my best friend, who is currently pouring herself a third glass of wine, is Christine Warren. She is, as I’m sure many of you know, the author of the Others Series, a paranormal world inhabited by shapeshifters and vampires and all sorts of not quite human creatures. You can take a peek over to the left for a brief snippet about her, and while I could expound on those words as only a best friend can, I’ll leave it to her to tell you more about who she is, what she writes, and how she got here when she’s not half in the bag. But I will tell you that she is also in her thirties, though she’s a few steps behind me (and never lets me forget it). In fact, her birthday is the reason we are currently big puddles of relaxed girl goo – this spa trip was her birthday wish.
Now, on to the important thing: what are we doing here? Well, it occurred to us a while back that we’re both highly verbose, fairly charming women who actually have a lot to say on a lot of different subjects. And from this yen to express ourselves to the world at large emerged Sweet Savage Thighs! (a nod to the bodice rippers of years past, we’ll explain more later). Romance novels in general and our own work in particular will, of course, be the main topic we choose to discuss in this space, and you can expect plenty of excerpts and other insider information. But we can and will talk about a lot of other stuff too – topics like current events, fashion, wine, food (we talk about food a lot), shoes (we talk about shoes even more than we talk about food!), pets, parents, family, etc., will I’m sure all make appearances here.
And now, since I would like to enjoy the rest of my spa-bliss and Christine is getting ahead of me (three glasses of wine to my one), I’ll bid you farewell for now. We’ll be back with more soon, but if you’re curious in the meantime you can check out our respective websites for more information ( and
On behalf of Christine and myself, thanks for coming by to check us out, and we sincerely hope you stick around!