But I figure if you're here reading this, and you don't already know me, you might be a little curious about who I am. To that end, I'm doing a Ten Things About Me list. Oh, there's a traditional bio up on my website, which you're more than welcome to go check out - but I figure I can be a little less traditional on a blog. And just to make things fun, I'll tell you that there's nothing on this list that also appears on the bio.
- I think the alphabet is arranged in the wrong order - "S" should come later, so should "Q"; the positioning of "H" is completely wrong and don't even get me started on "U"
- I take horseback riding lessons (dressage)
- I’m an excellent baker, but a mediocre cook
- I spent my junior year of high school in Brazil as an exchange student, and can speak, read, and write Portuguese
- In junior high I did my hair just like Jon BonJovi - mostly because I was too lazy to resurrect a dying perm
- I love to laminate things - anything that can be sealed between two pieces of heated plastic is not safe around me
- I can never keep a manicure looking good for more than 48 hours
- I work out five days a week, and have learned to trick myself into thinking I like it
- I like eating raw rhubarb
- The only photograph in my house of me - that shows my face and was taken after the age of five - is of me with the Stanley Cup